We're at home against Franklin for an absolute "must win" game. Franklin has a remote chance of getting into the playoffs but we're in with a win and two other matches going according to form: Transy (#1) must beat Anderson (#4) and Rose Hulman (#2) must beat Defiance (#5). The training room and Bill Kinsey, head trainer, have done an amazing job with Felipe Buitrago, whose knee looked really bad (pregnant with twins) after the Rose game. In a furthercomplication, Felipe has to go to Indy Saturday morning to take the TOEFL to go on the London program next term. Why? Do they think his English has gotten worse after being at EC ? Ameer Yusuf looks like he's coming out for the 15th round against Apollo Creed after the collision in the Rose game. Nonetheless, one of the 3 recruits I have on campus for the game tells me the locker room is "amped" before the game.
It's Senior Day for Irhad Strika, Pablo Hernandez Romero, and longtime scorekeeper Spencer Smith (subject of a later post). Rob Richardson has gone behind my back to make the day special. He dug up a Bosnian flag from the International Programs Office and found a rendition of the Bosnian national anthem on line to play before the game. I'm worrying how our guests might react to the idea (we had previously played our anthem before the women's game) and I'm worried about flag etiquette until we place the US flag up on the video tower. Frank Carr (AD) is in on the plan and it comes off nicely and everyone is pleased, Irhad most of all:
Stellar performances from Irhad, Ameer, Felipe, David Jones (90 minutes at center mf), Our back four and Chris Marshall in goal. I can tell you that if the locker room was "amped" before the game, it was tumultuous and triumphant after. Irhad got a bath from the water coolers from the team. In a later post, I'll tell how this team is special---they really are. We play Transy Tuesday at 2PM.