Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Advent of Preseason and Spiderus Giganticus Brownus

Summer travel and all my little vacations are over and we're on the downhill road to my 32nd preseason at Earlham. So much has changed that it'll take more than this post to describe.

Foremost, we have a new assistant men's coach, Tommy Crabill. Tommy's an OWU grad who has been an assistant at Baldwin Wallace and Alma recently. Also a Cincinnati native (Sycamore HS), Tom has already joined us and is helping us prepare for the coming year.

Our old boy Rob Richardson has moved on to Brevard College in North Carolina where he will assist a Div II men's program. We wish him well.

Before Rob left we (mostly he) had to clean out the "tin barn" in back of the former game field (I'll explain later) near the cemetery. As I drew the door down for Rob to exit in one of the green gators, a spider plopped down from above somewhere. It was big (for a spider), maybe about a half dollar size body, dull brown with blue (?) spots on its back. It lasted only a second or two as Rob ran right over it with the gator, completely squashing it.

I know what you're thinking..."Roy was a teenager in the 60's, wasn't he ?". But NO, I really saw it and for the purpose of establishing a scientific record I have named the beast Spiderus Giganticus Brownus. Now we'll have to return to the barn to get out our gear for the season. Not only that, but we have to get the goals and more out of the wood barn (old horse barn) behind it. What really lives in that hole about halfway in on the left ? Sounds like the perfect job for the new assistant and the firstyears to me.

You may have noticed that I labeled the field near the cemetery as the former game field. Indeed it is. We are moving to the former field hockey game field area where we last played sometime in the 90's. Field Hockey moves to the stadium field which will be artificial turf this fall. There are more changes than this afoot and a later post will tell about them.

PS: this late thought: do I resemble John Goodman (star of the movie Arachnophobia) a little ?

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